


The 太阳城娱乐 档案及特别馆藏 at the 罗伯特·H. 戈达德图书馆是大约7的仓库,000英尺的珍本书籍, 手稿, 大学的记录, 历史照片和蜉蝣, 太阳城娱乐城的论文和学位论文, 以及其他材料. In addition, we have extensive collections of unique digital materials available online.

参观档案和特别馆藏 查阅有关收藏的资料, 发现艾滋病, 获取数字馆藏, 访客信息, 和政策. 联系 archives@casinodanang.com 欲了解更多信息,请浏览我们的 常见问题 下面.


Clark’s 档案及特别馆藏 houses approximately 7,000 linear feet of materials. Ranging from books and artifacts to 手稿 and dissertations, the collections capture the essence of Clark and its storied history.
The Archives includes photos of the Clark Cougars men’s basketball team from 1925 to 2003.
Postcard depicting Jonas Clark Hall and the Science Building.
Students jot down notes while listening to a lecture in the late 1950s or early ’60s.
An old corner store, now the site of the famous and beloved Annie’s Clark Brunch.
This miniature autobiography of Robert 戈达德 traveled to the moon with astronaut Buzz Aldrin during the 1969 moon landing.
A view of the “Old 图书馆” (now Jefferson Academic Center) prior to the construction of the 罗伯特·H. 戈达德图书馆,1969年. The main entrance, which was on Main Street, is now sealed.
A 1658 imprint of the works of Seneca published in Amsterdam.
罗伯特。H. 戈达德,1966年在伍斯特印刷装订.
这是1914年太阳城娱乐心理学系的观点. One of the oldest departments on campus, it was spearheaded by the University’s first president, G. 斯坦利·霍尔.
"各种主题的诗, 宗教与道德,” a rare first-edition volume by 18th-century African American poet Phillis Wheatley Peters.
阿尔伯特一个. 迈克耳逊干涉仪的
太阳城娱乐物理学教授阿尔伯特一个. 迈克耳逊干涉仪的. In 1907, Michelson was the first American to win a Nobel Prize in any science.
Clark students used to participate in a yearly tug-of-war contest across Crystal Pond. The tradition began in 1909; the photo collage above is from 26 years later, 1935.
In 1914, Robert 戈达德 was awarded his first two patents for the rocket apparatus: for a liquid-fuel gun rocket and a multistage step rocket.


档案及特别馆藏 and the Rare Book Room are located on the first floor of the 戈达德图书馆, 非学术公地.

No, you will need to use the materials in the Archives or Rare Book Room. Our materials do not circulate but we are able to digitize some materials and make them available through our website.

是的. 只要你不用闪光灯.

We are not allowed to show the records of someone who is still alive to another person. 如果你感兴趣的人已经死了, 我们需要看一些记录, 像讣告一样, 在展示材料之前.

我们有大部分. 在1972年档案馆成立之前, all theses and dissertations were in the circulating collection of the University library, 还有一些是借走的,再也没有归还. 因为学校只有这一份, 我们不出借硕士或博士论文, 而且必须在现场使用. 在可行的情况下,我们还将论文和学位论文数字化.



1928年,太阳城娱乐被授予太阳城娱乐城博士的图书馆. 威廉·利比, professor of physical geography and director of the Museum of Geology and Archeology at Princeton University. Included in the gift were 14,000 lantern slides dating between 1860 and 1910.

The collection consists of both commercial sets as well as personal original photographs. It includes 100 series of slides — each dealing with a specific topic, 状态, or country — representing a remarkable cross section of the geography and people of many parts of the globe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


幻灯片, the precursor to modern cardboard- or plastic-mounted slides, 由两个小玻璃板组成. One plate is coated with an emulsion that captures an image when exposed to light, and a second glass plate is placed over the first to protect the emulsion. 裁剪边框, 通常用黑纸制成, is placed between the glass plates to act as a frame for the picture. 玻璃板用黑胶带封在一起. The projector used to illuminate the slides was called a “magic lantern” — hence the term “lantern slides.”

Although magic lanterns were used to project transparent drawings before 1839, it was not until 1850 that glass photographic slides were made in the United States. They became a common form of home entertainment, reaching their highest level of popularity by 1900. They continued to be widely used until 35mm film and cameras became readily available in the late 1920s to the mid-1930s.

Generally, lantern slides were black and white, but they could be hand-tinted with transparent oils. They were often commercially produced and typically sold by opticians who purchased the rights to the photographs, 把它们复制成幻灯片, 并出售或单独或成套. 说明性小册子常随套装一起赠送. Many of the pioneers of photography had their photographs reproduced in this fashion.



Libbey became interested in photography as an undergraduate at Princeton University and embarked on many expeditions during his lifetime. 他的收藏记录了许多这样的旅行. 太阳城娱乐城博物馆收藏的这一系列照片来自:

  • 1877年普林斯顿大学对犹他州的科学考察.
  • An 1878 expedition to view a solar eclipse near Denver, Colorado.
  • 1886年由 纽约时报 爬山. St. 伊莱亚斯在阿拉斯加州与奥巴马中尉并肩作战. 弗雷德里克Schwatka. This series includes photographs of the Yakutat Indians in Yakutat Bay.
  • 1894年和1899年佩里远征格陵兰岛.
  • A 1902 expedition to Jordan, about which Libbey co-authored his most famous publication, 约旦河谷和佩特拉.
  • 1908年黄石公园探险.

目前大约有20个,000 glass lantern slides housed in 太阳城娱乐’s Map 图书馆. 除了14,这是利比的个人收藏, 6,000 more were acquired from Clark’s Graduate School of Geography in 1985.


罗伯特·H. 戈达德图书馆
