


Our work to address diversity, 股本, 包容, and belonging at Clark is an ongoing effort. 以下是该领域主要进展的季度快照. For regular updates and more information about initiatives underway, be sure to visit our 一些网站.


 9月7日,菲锡安总统 宣布任命Margo R. 工头,英里/小时 作为大学的下一任副校长和首席多样性官, 股本, 和包容(CODEI).  作为CODEI, Margo will report to 总统 Fithian and serve as the University’s senior leadership team. She will oversee our collective work to evolve and implement a strategic vision and initiatives to advance DEI. 她将于10月15日与太阳城娱乐城会合.

Margo comes to Clark with 20 years of experience inspiring and propelling forward DEI programs in higher education. 目前, 她是目前的临时副总裁, 玛戈是负责多元化的临时副总裁, 股本, 以及负责多元化的助理副总裁, 包容, 以及爱荷华州立大学的平等机会. 在她任职期间, she has moved her institution forward on many fronts – from diversity recruitment and retention, 与亲和团体合作, 校园气候报告, 和参与, 对话, 与教师建立信任, 学生, 和工作人员. At Iowa State and previously at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Margo directed Title IX and ADA compliance and workforce diversity and equal employment opportunity programs.

我们也很高兴地告诉大家,大学已经参与了 Margo Okazawa-Rey in a consultancy role to support Margo Foreman and the ODI as our new CODI re-establishes the office’s vision, 角色, 和活动.  Okazawa-Rey is a social justice activist and professor emerita at San Francisco State University, 她最为人所知的工作是作为 Combahee River Collective 对她来说 跨国女权主义 宣传. She will serve in a supporting role for Foreman in defining and advancing the work of the ODI over the next several months.


 6月15日 校园安全专责小组 & 安全部门向菲西亚总统提出了建议 for enhancing the feeling of safety on campus – particularly for our 学生; moving toward a new model of campus policing; and building trust between the community and our University Police. 这10项建议内容广泛,具体行动步骤旨在:

  1. Reducing the presence of armed officers in public and residential spaces on campus, including the relocation of the 太阳城娱乐 Police Department to the periphery of campus and establishment of a community-service civilian unit to respond to service calls not requiring an armed uniformed police officer.
  2. Developing mechanisms for increased accountability and transparency related to policing, including the creation of a multi-constituency advisory board to monitor and oversee implementation of the Task Force’s report.
  3. Strengthening the relationships between 太阳城娱乐 Police, 学生, faculty, 和工作人员

Most of the recommendations already have been fully implemented or are on-going without end (请参阅校园治安和安全项目). 其他的正在积极进行中.


太阳城娱乐的学生在与DEI相关的许多方面发挥了重要作用. Their leadership – as individuals and as representatives of organizations including the Black Student Union, 太阳城娱乐学生会, 以及研究生委员会——一直很关键. Student representatives have served on search committees to identify the very best candidates for key University leadership positions, 包括Margo R. Foreman担任副总裁和codi. 学生代表亦担任校园安全专责小组成员 & 在等待提名的情况下,他将在委员会任职 咨询委员会 监督工作队建议的执行情况.


总统包容性卓越成就奖授予个人, 组, and programs that have made exemplary contributions to advancing inclusive excellence at Clark and within the broader Worcester community. Inclusive excellence centers 股本, 包容, and diversity as core institutional values. 祝贺并衷心感谢2021年春季获奖者 关于这一重要的承认:

学生团体:为种族正义而崛起(由阿希拉·沃森领导), Kadijha Kuanda, Inonge Kaloustian, 格洛丽亚安德森, 恩威廉姆斯, 索非亚主教, Faridat Dangbe, Mikayla Dotson, 尤妮斯Dollete, Ivette门多萨, Domenica Cevallos, 杰基情歌, 凯拉Skeet-Browning, 亚斯明Lalkaka, 丹尼黑, pswlak杰基, Akeisha门闩, 索菲娅Stewart-Chapman, 问醌类, Heidy科罗内尔合金, Lia唐, 凯瑟琳·杰佛利, Juveriah Hussain)






  • 任命Maria-Elisa Gallant为学生领导部助理主任 & 编程, a reimagined position now focused on supporting cultural and identity focused student organizations and clubs, 并提供宣传月庆祝活动和其他节目.
  • The establishment of a DEI professional 工作人员 committee charged with developing workshops around DEI and designing an assessment tool to evaluate initiatives related to 股本 in areas such as housing selection, 行为, 以及学生顾问的选择.
  • The addition of a Multicultural Club Fair at Dana Commons during new student orientation that featured tabling from multiple identity-based student organizations, 包括国际学生团体和CAIC, as well as opportunity for 学生 to connect with the Multi-Cultural First-Generation Student Success program and the Office of Diversity & 包容.
  • The launch of the Dean of Students (DOS) Coffee Coupon and Connections program which builds connections between DOS 工作人员 and 学生.
  • Creation of the Dean of Students Emergency Fund to address financial and food insecurity needs of 学生 in a more proactive and streamlined way.

宣布CU Advance,一个新的导师和领导力发展计划

 We are excited to announce a new 指导 and 领导力发展 program that will be seeded under the aegis of the D’Army Bailey Diversity Fund over the next three years.

CU Advance是一个以目标为中心的指导计划,正在与教师进行试点, 工作人员, 有色人种的学生. 这个项目的任务是促进资源网络, 指导, 领导力发展, and coaching opportunities to support Clark faculty 和工作人员 of color in making progress toward their professional goals, and to foster clearer and more structured intergenerational 指导 structures between BIPOC faculty/工作人员 and BIPOC 学生.

Curricular Developments: New First Year Intensive Seminar on International Student Experience

Recognizing the needs of first -year undergraduate international 学生 who must navigate the new landscape of college life in the U.S., 国际学生权利联盟(ISRC), 性别研究中心, 比赛, 及地区研究(CGRAS), and the Dean of the College collaborated to create a First Year Intensive seminar dedicated to the international student experience. 这门名为“国际学生在美国的经历”的课程.S. 高等教育,” is taught by Asian Studies Professor Tyran Grillo and offered by the Comparative 比赛 and Ethnic Studies program.