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New England charm. 世界级的机会.

太阳城娱乐的研究生来自世界各地, 包括50多个国家和数十个美国.S. states. 在这个文化丰富的国家, diverse community, 学生们都受到热烈欢迎和全力支持, 允许他们在个人和智力上成长. At Clark, you’ll forge friendships with a variety of classmates as you hone your academic and professional skills. Through community-wide events and student organizations you’ll explore your interests and develop new skills. Exceptional campus amenities – from cafes and libraries to computer labs and a fitness and athletic center – ensure you’re equipped for success.

Student Life

There are almost limitless opportunities for you to enhance your graduate educational experience as part of our diverse, lively community. At Clark, there are dozens of student organizations that enable our students to become involved in campus life, 走出他们的舒适区, 获得宝贵的经验. 你可以体验各种各样的活动,包括戏剧, lectures, panels, presentations, workshops, concerts, barbeques, and movies.

查看校园里发生的一切 大学活动页面!


Graduate Housing

Clark offers convenient, move-in ready housing for all of our graduate students. 我们提供校内和校外两种选择, all of which are located within walking distance to our academic buildings.

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Worcester Living

Worcester Living

新英格兰第二大城市, 伍斯特提供了无数的职业机会, 以及蓬勃发展的文化和烹饪场景. What’s more, Worcester was recently named one of the top cities for people ages 20 to 29 by Business Week magazine.

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School of Business students are encouraged to seize the opportunity to dive in, 无论是通过多元文化协会, intramural athletics, 或者这里列出的商学院学生组织.

The Clark Accounting & Finance Association is committed to educating and preparing graduate students for finance-related careers through a combination of educational opportunities, events, 还有社会活动.



美国市场营销协会 chapter at Clark University falls under the parent organization ‘美国市场营销协会’ and all the leaders are official members of this organization. Our efforts include trying to include every marketing enthusiast on campus at our operations and build a community that helps students and professionals in the marketing field learn the science behind marketing.







Beta Gamma Sigma is the prestigious international honor society exclusively for business programs accredited by AACSB International. Membership is the highest recognition a business student can receive in a program accredited by AACSB. 被考虑加入这个社团, students must have completed their degree requirements in the School of Business, 有良好的财务和学术地位, GPA成绩在研究生项目的前20%之内, 或者本科生排名前10%.

Throughout the year, BGS的目标是带来项目, connections, benefits, 并为其成员提供机会.

Learn more about the benefits of Beta Gamma Sigma membership via their 这里是虚拟信息会议.

Clark’s 商业分析协会 is dedicated to engaging students with the data analytics field, promoting awareness of career opportunities in the analytics industry, 促进太阳城娱乐城学生和校友之间的互动, 提高学生的社交技能, and preserving the University’s tradition of excellence in education and services.

Learn more by 联系学生服务办公室.

Clark Women in Business encourages and supports female students as they develop into professional leaders. The group, 它是全国女性mba协会的一部分, 促进个人成长和目标的实现, 并帮助女性共同努力,建立强大的支持网络.

Connect with WIB:





CSCF是一个正式注册的学生俱乐部,供您放松身心, make friends, share your stories, 在圣经中找到你人生问题的答案, 体验上帝的爱. 我们用普通话和英语举办活动. 欢迎所有人,无论你的背景如何.

请随时给我们发电子邮件 加入我们的微信群.

The 商学院学生会 promotes an active and engaging student community, 在全校研究生委员会中代表商学院, and functions as a unified voice for School of Business student concerns. Each spring, the 商学院学生会 holds a formal banquet for all students, faculty, 以及商学院的工作人员, bringing our community together to connect on a personal level and celebrate the year’s successes.

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前往太阳城娱乐城的交通 & 在伍斯特市附近

Travelling to Clark



  • 波士顿洛根国际机场, 然后从波士顿乘火车或公共汽车到联合车站, Worcester, 以及从那里到太阳城娱乐城的出租车/叫车服务.
  • 伍斯特地区机场如捷蓝航空、美国航空和达美航空都有飞往美国的航班.S. destinations. Take a taxi/ride-hailing service from the airport to Clark, about four miles.

其他机场包括 Providence, R.I.Manchester, N.H., and Hartford, Conn., but getting to Clark from these locations is often more complicated than from the Boston or Worcester airports.

By BUS or TRAIN (更便宜但间接的) 

乘火车或公共汽车到伍斯特市中心的联合车站, where you will need to take a taxi or ride-hailing service to get to Clark.

伍斯特的联合车站距离校园大约三英里. 它由美国铁路公司的湖岸有限公司和区域线提供服务, 以及波士顿的MBTA通勤铁路. The best way to get to Clark from Union Station is by taxi or ride-hailing service (information below).


Amtrak 1-800-872-7245
MBTA Commuter Rail 1-800-392-6100

伍斯特的联合车站由灰狗和彼得潘提供服务. The best way to get to Clark from Union Station is by taxi (information below). 从波士顿、纽约和华盛顿特区出发的巴士时刻表和票价.C. contact:

Greyhound 1-800-229-9424
Peter Pan 1-800-343-9999


使用共享面包车/豪华轿车等服务  骑士豪华轿车服务到波士顿机场接你,然后直接送你到学校. 许多学生使用这个选项.

一定要提前预定,留出旅行时间. The trip from Boston to Worcester can take more than an hour at peak travel times. 如果你跟团旅行,这个选择会更便宜.



Transportation within the city of Worcester can be accessed by the Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA):



A taxi or ride-hailing service can bring you to Clark from Union Station (Worcester’s bus and train station) for about $7 to $9. These are also available to take you from Clark to the surrounding communities.  本地的士公司:



Annual Events

Each April, the Graduate Student Council and the Graduate School sponsor Clark University’s Graduate Multidisciplinary Conference, designed to highlight the important scholarship produced by our talented graduate community. The event also gives graduate students an opportunity to hone their presentation skills before presenting their work at national and international conferences.

Each spring, the School of Business hosts a special awards and induction event for Beta Gamma Sigma, the prestigious international honor society exclusively for business programs accredited by AACSB International. Membership is the highest recognition a business student can receive in a program accredited by AACSB International. 被考虑加入这个社团, 学生必须完成MBA的学位要求, MSA, MSF, MSBA, 或男同性恋者有良好的财务和学术地位, GPA成绩在项目前20%之内.

Each spring, an annual Gala is hosted by the Clark University International Students Association. Through dance, music, 还有各种各样的表演, 这个受欢迎的活动代表并庆祝了太阳城娱乐城的多样性.

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作为商学院举办的最受欢迎的活动之一, graduate students from a variety of degree programs showcase research on  a chosen topic and vie for cash prizes based on their work. 关注可持续发展的作品, social, economic, or environmental change are eligible for a PRME award in addition to the first and second place prize.



Contact Information

School of Business

Office Location
  • 950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

    The School of Business is located in Carlson Hall, close to the Maywood Street parking lot.

  • 电话:1-508-793-7543
  • Fax: 1-508-793-8822